Capacity Assessment: Framework Identification Tool. CityMatCH (2013). This tool provides a checklist for assessing the capacity of an organization in promoting equity in birth outcomes at the community level by asking about frameworks in place, enhancements needed, additional programs needed or duplicative, and the action steps needed to get to the goal.
Components of a Logic Model Worksheet. CityMatCH (2013). This worksheet asks the user a series of questions to assist in the development of a logic model, including the situation to be addressed, desired outcomes, inputs and resources needed, and anticipated outputs and activities.
Conversations that Matter: A How-To-Guide for Hosting Discussions about Race, Racism, and Public Health. CityMatCH (2012). This guide is intended to serve as a resource to assist public health professionals in initiating open and honest conversations about racism's impact on community health. Topics include how to use the guide, conversation essentials, essentials for group meetings, and essentials for planning teams.
Five Conditions of Collective Impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review (2012). This chart summarizes collective impact: (1) common agenda, (2) shared measurement, (3) mutually reinforcing activities, (4) continuous communication, and (5) backbone support.
Logic Model Development Guide. W. K. Kellogg Foundation (2004). This guide shows how a logic model links outcomes (both short- and long-term) with program activities/processes and the theoretical assumptions/principles of the program in four chapters and two appendices that include resources and blank templates to copy in developing a logic model.
Readiness Tent Exercise.
CityMatCH (2014). This exercise asks a series of questions to stimulate dialogue among stakeholders related to five essential components of community readiness in approaching a public health initiative:
Stakeholders Wheel. CityMatCH (2015). This interactive wheel allows you to map out stakeholders that are currently represented on your team, those you've contacted, and those under consideration. Note: this opens in a new browser window (make sure that your browser allows pop-ups).
Talking About Disparities. FrameWorks Institute (2009). This toolkit compendium includes the research reports, messaging recommendations, and applied tools for communicators to provide a communications roadmap for those attempting to garner support for racial-equity policies. Framing tools are intended to help advocates understand and apply research findings and recommendations on how to talk about disparities, and include:
Tools for Backbones. Collective Impact Forum (2013). This toolkit includes a number of tools for establishing the infrastructure of a Collective Impact Backbone. This toolkit includes a list of sample backbone activities, a working group meeting planning and execution checklist, a sample request for proposals for a backbone organizations, and sample backbone position descriptions.
Top 100 Partners Exercise. Source: Weaver, L. (2014, January 16). Community engagement and collective impact. [PowerPoint slides]. Presentation given at CityMatCH Equity Institute Training. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Undoing Racism in Public Health: A Blueprint for Action in Urban MCH. CityMatCH. (2004). This report, which focuses on strategies for eliminating racism and racial disparities in public health, is divided into three main sections. Section 1 examines the scientific basis for racism as a determinant of health status and health disparities, and how institutional racism manifests in health care and health departments. Section 2 provides an overview of existing directions, options, and resources for eliminating racism. Section 3 outlines a series of activities for a local public health-based initiative for eliminating racism. The report includes three appendices: (1) assessing institutional readiness and priorities for eliminating racism in local public health agencies, (2) a list of relevant organizations, and (3) a list of workgroup participants.
Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory. Amhersth Wilder Foundation (last modified 2013). This questionnaire, adapted here, can help your group inventory its strengths on the factors that research has shown are important for the
success of collaborative projects. The questionnaire is designed for use by people who are planning or participating in
collaborative projects. Original Tool.
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.