Implement Your Strategy
Your GO phase is all about implementing and evaluating the interventions your work group worked so hard to develop. Your logic model is all mapped out, and your intervention activities are ready to be delivered to your community.
During this phase your team will be engaging in activities described in your logic model. You will simultaneously be updating and documenting via the evaluation plan your coalition created.
The following topics will lead you through information on how to implement your strategy. Please use the Read More links to learn about each step and for additional resources.

Conduct Mutually Reinforcing Activities
There are likely a number different public health initiatives happening in your community, many with similar goals and activities. It is important to coordinate these efforts to reduce duplication and avoid wasting valuable resources. The backbone organization coordinates these collective efforts to help maximize the impact of each initiative and work toward a common, shared goal. Backbone organizations can help identify efforts and goals of participating organizations that can be aligned to help create larger change within the community.
As with developing shared measurements, coordinating mutually reinforcing activities ensures cross-sector alignment and the sharing of lessons learned. All organizations and activities benefit from this active sharing and collaboration. The coordination of mutually reinforcing activities is where the collective impact truly occurs.
This list is by no means exhaustive, and CityMatCH recognizes that many experts and resources exist outside of this list.
Support the Backbone Organization
In order to be successful, backbone organizations need buy-in and support from the greater community. Backbone organizations typically start by developing a guiding vision and strategy and supporting aligned activities as their first efforts. Efforts are then focused on establishing shared measurement practices and then on building public will and advancing policy. If a backbone organization is successful, they will experience the following outcomes:
- Collective impact participants’ work is aligned with the common agenda of the initiative
- Participants collaboratively develop new approaches to advance the work
- Participants use data to adapt their strategies
- Community members feel empowered to take action
- Policy changes occur in line with the goals of the initiative
- Philanthropic and public funds are aligned with the initiative
This list is by no means exhaustive, and CityMatCH recognizes that many experts and resources exist outside of this list.
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