Check Out Our New Learning Portal of Emerging Topics Affecting MCH Populations


This learning portal provides access to online resources developed to augment CityMatCH projects, which are grounded in the philosophy that all children and families deserve to be healthy and achieve their optimal growth and development. Children and families in urban areas have unique needs and deserve special attention.

The resources in this portal address these unique needs:

The Institute for Equity in Birth Outcomes eLearning Modules

Local MCH Responds to Zika: A Look, Listen, and Learn MCH Mini-Module

Well-Women Toolkit: A Choose-and-Use Approach to Finding Relevant Resources

About CityMatCH

CityMatCH is the national membership organization for local health departments' maternal and child health (MCH) programs and leaders representing urban communities in the United States. Our mission is to strengthen public health leaders and organizations to promote equity and improve the health of urban women, families, and communities. These CityMatCH eLearning modules are an additional tool for us to provide training to our members and to MCH professionals from across the country.